Ripped To Shreds + Live Burial + Corpserot

Zum Bergfest haben wir das Death Metal Package um Ripped to Shreds und Live Burial abgreifen können. Ihr dürft euch auf die volle Ladung Riffs, räudiges Gebolze und pures Old school Death Metal Worshipping freuen. Als Support haben wir Corpserot organisiert, die damit auch endlich ihre erste Gerbershow spielen werden.

Einlass: 18:30

Start: 19:30

Vegan Food / Soli-Drinks / Distros

Ripped To Shreds (Death Metal - USA)

"On the surface, Ripped to Shreds’ new full-length 劇變 (Jubian) is a hell-raising death metal LP. It’s musically ambitious, splitting the difference between thrash-paced ferocity and soaring melodic guitar work. Beyond this record’s raw power, however, Ripped to Shreds uses these 33 minutes to examine history, identity, and the Chinese diaspora’s relationship with America. Masterminded as ever by Bay Area polymath Andrew Lee, 劇變 (Jubian) takes Ripped to Shreds’ sound beyond its previous parameters."

Live Burial (Death Metal - UK)

"I once again anticipate your rotten tomatoes, and I will relish your chants of ‘Underrated!” Those who loved Unending Futility will love Curse of the Forlorn as much or more. Live Burial is astoundingly talented, and they deserve any praise that gets tossed their way. But I’m still waiting for the record that capitalizes on—and balances—all of their strengths and makes me stand up and take notice on listen one."

Corpserot (Death Metal - DE)

Keine Nazis keine Schwurbler!